Ladder A & B Signup
Ladder Background
Each year, around 100 players participate in the McCarren ladder. It's an amazing way to meet new hitting partners, and improve your match play. We run an "A" ladder for more advanced players (USTA 4.0-5.0+ rated) and a "B" ladder for beginners and intermediate players (USTA 2.0-3.5 rated). Both ladders are open to men and women.
Registration fee is $83. Proceeds fund tennis programming and future court improvements.
Since the very first ladder, all entry fee proceeds have been specifically earmarked (by North Brooklyn Parks Alliance) for the improvement of the McCarren Park public courts. $10,000 of previous entry funds were allocated for the installation of the new LED lights for (3) courts for night tennis until 11pm! Now with the formal 501(c)(3) formation we hope to put the money to even better use.
Ladder entry fee's & donations are now being collected to contribute to the installation of 8 additional LED light poles to illuminate the remaining courts 1, 2, & 4! We will post our non-profits fund raising efforts and collaboration w/ the community USTA, MTC Bubble & local business partners to make this a reality! Target budget is $200K!
General Overview
Ladder participants will work their way up the rankings throughout the summer by winning matches against other players. If you challenge someone and win, you take their spot in the rankings (and they shift down 1 spot).
The official ladder season begins on May 1st and ends on August 31st.
Beginning in September the top 16 ranked players from each ladder will play in a single elimination tournament to determine the 2025 McCarren Park Tennis A & B champions!
We use Tennis Rungs (recommend downloading the app) to track player rankings/challenges/match results. Detailed ladder-specific rules will be listed there and built into the functionality of each ladder. Once you sign up below, you will be added to your respective ladder.
Ladder matches do not need to be played exclusively at the McCarren courts.
Ladder A and B Rule are subject to change by the Admin during the course of the ladder season to encourage ladder activity.
LADDER A & B Rules
Ladder Admin:
You are only allowed to make (1) challenge at a time & a challenged player has 3 days to accept otherwise it's an auto-forfeit win for the challenger.
If a player’s challenge is denied, the lower ranked played wins by default & takes the higher ranking.
You can only challenge a higher ranked player 10 or less spots ahead (as long as that higher ranked player is not currently in a match challenge). If all 10 players ahead are in current matches, next in line player not in a current challenge will be available.
Once a challenge match is accepted, it is required to be played within 10 days of the acceptance date.
Players are advised to discuss match format before the match is played. The challenge match is an 8-game pro-set. Prior to the match both players need to agree on rules should time expires before completion. Recommended rules: if match is on-serve, continue at another time/date. If one player is up a break (and has consolidated said break), that player is victor.
Both player should bring a new can of balls, the racquet spin or a toss of a coin can determine who serves & which can of balls to use (the winner gets to keep the unused new can of balls).
Please notify ladder admin of rescheduling and final score, so that it can be entered manually.
Admin reserves the right to award players based on how many matches they have played a "wild card" whereby the player can challenge anyone on the ladder irrespective of rank.
Ladder Admin:
If both players agree the match can be played anywhe
To book a court at McCarren Park Tennis Courts you have several options
Book courts 1, 2, 3 or 4 during Parks Attendant hours which are Sat-Sun-Mon 8am to 6pm and Tues-Weds-Thurs-Fri: 10am to 6pm. FYI, there can be a long line forming 30-45 min before 8am or 10am (depending on the day) to book courts through out the da. Court time can get fully booked right away with 5pm & 6pm being the most popular times.
Reserve online w/ NYC Park Tennis Court Reservations courts 5 & 6 but it costs $15 per hour, 8am to 6pm can be booked online & 7 days in advance...
​Play the match before Parks Attendant hours (early morning before 8am or 10a and after 6pm. There are LED lights for night tennis illuminating courts 5 & 6 only). When Parks Attendants are not present, court time is first come first serve & change over on the hour .
Note on Payment​
Payment above is process via Paypal. If you'd prefer to pay via Venmo, simply select "Offline Payment" at checkout and submit (so that we have your information saved. Then Venmo $80 to @McCarrenTennisAssociation.